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Healthy School


Healthy Foods

Brockman Elementary School is an Alliance for a Healthier Generation Award winning school!! 

Most recently, our school earned a silver award from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.  You can read about our journey at this link.  We are able to maintain this status by focusing on wellness.  We have an action plan to intentionally include activities that promote a healthy mind and body.

One aspect of this effort is to monitor the food that we serve students during the school day.  Additionally, we do not permit any food or beverage fundraising days during the school or extended school day.

Class parties in the traditional sense are not held at Brockman.  In our Montessori environment, birthdays are honored through a “Celebration of Life” and special “Walk Around the Sun.”

Cakes, cookies, candy, soda, etc. are not allowed.  Celebrations for Valentine’s Day and Winter Holidays are centered around the cultural areas of our curriculum and not on unhealthy food options.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are always welcome snacks.  If a parent wants to bring something else, they are expected to communicate with their classroom teacher ahead of time to be sure it meets the Smart Snack Standards. 

Only two exemptions for celebrations per school year are allowed.  Those two days will be chosen by the principal at the beginning of the year.  Please refer to this link for Smart Snack Guidelines when planning food for the classroom.